
Features of Planning
Inputs like materials, men and machines are efficiently used Factors of production
are integrated to use them economically Division of work is undertaken carefully
so that every available element is properly utilised Work is regulated from the
first stage of procuring raw materials to the stage of finished goods Questions
like what, when and how to be manufactured are decided
Determining sequence of operations for continuous production Planning plant capacity
for future production programmes Issuing co-ordinated work schedules to concerned
persons Maintaining sufficient inventories to support continuous flow of production
Evaluating performance of workshops Maintaining production schedules to ensure delivery
at proper time
Preparation of production budget Devising manufacturing methods and sequence of
operations Deciding type of machines and equipments Preparation of operation sheets
and instruction cards Estimating men, machine and material requirements Undertaking
time and motion studies Preparing master schedules
Production planning and control is important for the following reasons - For Increasing
Production – Main purpose of production planning is to arrange inputs. Production
control programme minimises idleness of men and machines. It thus helps in raising
industrial output. For co-ordinating plant activity -In planning production is carried
out in a number of processes and thus activities are synchronized for smooth working.
Sub-dividing the master schedule into manufacturing and subsidiary orders Routing
Scheduling Despatching Expediting Tool keeping
For Cost Control – A properly planned system of production will help in controlling
costs by not only making full utilisation of various inputs but also by increasing
output and lowering overhead expenses per unit. For Rationalisation of Production
Activities – In production planning, the process of entering of raw materials and
converting them into finished goods is planned in such a way that everything is
done in sequence or routine. It regulates flow of inputs to run production system
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